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MOBS - Mobility of e-Shopping

With the multiplication of intermediate delivery points (such as collect points, lockers or grocery click-and-collect facilities) and logistics and delivery service providers, mobility chains linked to online consumption have multiple profiles in terms of the number of trips, distances travelled, durations, characteristics of the stakeholders, transport modes used and therefore environmental impacts. E-commerce appears to generate renewed forms of mobility associating goods and people.

This research project aims to capture the socio-economic and environmental impacts of e-commerce - meaning all purchases of goods made online by consumers, both BtoC (business to consumer) and CtoC (consumer to consumer) - by examining how it transforms the chains of mobility of goods and people, the flows and the structures (operators, infrastructure, systems...) that enable them, and ultimately territories (urban, peri-urban and rural).

The project is structured around three complementary objectives:

  1. To understand the mobility chains associated with the last mile of e-commerce in terms of the strategies and practices of e-commerce players and individuals through their online buying or selling practices and their choice of delivery services;
  2. To establish a typology of e-commerce mobility chains in order to measure them and assess their impacts on territories in terms of emissions and socio-spatial inequalities;
  3. To make recommendations to public authorities as to the strategies to be implemented, nationally and locally, according to the types of territories and populations, in order to ensure the sustainable development of the "last mile" of e-commerce.

The MOBS project is funded by the ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recheche) for 42 months, starting on March 2021.

Contact : François COMBES, Martin KONING et Adrien BEZIAT