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Decision aids based on the multi-agent modelling of territories for the eco-design and sustainable management of transportation systems


 -    Unsustainable transport system, open data, new mobility and purchasing behaviours

      =>  A more suitable representation of the territory is required to help with decision-making.


 -    Disaggregated representation of the territory : synthetic population

 -    Spatial aggregation of Data : sensitivity map


Logistics applications

 -    B2C : Enrich agents with an utility function for delivery requests
 -    B2B : Define synthetic populations of delivery drivers with routes


 -    Publications, open library  (Bhepop2)


 -    3 Researchers : Pascal Gastineau, Pierre Hankach, Pierre-Olivier Vandanjon

 -    1 ongoing phD : Abdoul Razac Sané

 -    2 phD funded by private companies being prepared

 -    Projets Symexpo, Furbain

 -    Séminaire Smart, Fédération de recherche IRSTV, Réseau Mexico